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World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th of April. It is celebrated to attract attention to specific health topics and this year the World Health Organization is focused on the urgent action needed to keep our planet and our people healthy. Every year more people are affected by cancer, asthma, and heart diseases due to the polluted air we breathe and unhealthy habits due to poorer processed foods.

We are constantly exposed to fossil fuels that causes cancers and asthma and filling our bodies with fast foods or unhealthy foods that lead to heart diseases. To move forward in a healthier manner, we need to GO GREEN. That is the focus of the World Health Organization this year. Let’s improve our environment that we can have a healthier future.

On the audiology front, hearing aid batteries are soon something of the past since rechargeable technology has made leaps and bounds of progress – so no more disposing of batteries!

FUN FACT: World Health Day is on the 7th of April annually because that is the day the World Health Organization was found in 1948.

How can hearing affect your health?

Untreated hearing loss can also severely affect your health in various ways:

Hearing loss can have a significant effect on your quality of life and health. Older adults with hearing loss may report feelings of depression. Because hearing loss can make conversation difficult, some people experience feelings of isolation. Hearing loss is also associated with cognitive impairment and decline.

Awareness of the effect of hearing loss on ones health is crucial, the effect of hearing loss on ones health highlights the importance of early identifications and intervention! Hesitancy to act after the first signs of hearing loss contributes to slower addressing of hearing issues and higher incidence of health effects due to hearing loss. Also remember – if you don’t use it, you lose it!  |  |

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