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Cellphones, Bluetooth and Hearing Aid Compatibility

Bluetooth technology has been around for quite some time since around 1998. Bluetooth compatible hearing aids too – since around 2004.

How has it developed since then?

Firstly, most (if not all) smartphones these days are compatible to one or more hearing aid brand on the market. This is fantastic news because bluetooth compatible hearing aids can make your life MUCH easier – and in some cases even offer you functionality that you did not know you needed or wanted!

Bluetooth compatible hearing aids can offer you some of the following functionality:

With a variety of hearing aid brands on the market as well as a variety of smartphones on the market, keeping up with what’s compatible with what and which has which compatibility features can be quite a task. Rest assured, we have your back – WE KNOW!


Contact us if you need any information in your hearing device compatibility or advice about which hearing aid will work for you!


Centurion – Wierdapark: 012 653 3830

Centurion – Saxby: 087 944 1803

Northmead – Benoni: 011 425 0171


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